Special Educational Needs
At Grove Park Primary School we value all children in our school equally. This is reinforced by the ethos of the school that is committed to care, justice and compassion for all our children. We recognise our duties under the Equality Act 2010 towards individual disabled children and young people. Underpinning our ethos at Grove Park is a ‘personal growth’ model of teaching whereby the ‘whole child’ is educated. All members of our community are treated with respect and dignity. Our school values are: Trust, Respect, Enthusiasm and Empathy and the needs of our most vulnerable pupils are fundamental to our ethos and practice. We have a proactive, whole school approach to meeting the needs of all of our pupils and we believe that every teacher is a teacher of every child, this includes those children who have additional needs, special educational needs and/or disabilities. Grove Park is mainstream school and as such we are not a specialist setting with specialist provision. We are a hub of high expectations, standards and creative flair which ensures that all children have the opportunity to reach their potential.