Term Time Leave
Being in school as often as possible is vital for children to achieve their best outcomes academically, socially, developmentally and emotionally and also means that our Grove Parkers have the chance to take part in all of the wonderful lessons, experiences and activities that are on offer every day! We want your children to be part of everything on offer and we love seeing them every day!
Most of our families have relatives who live abroad and the cost of flights/accommodation increases during the school holidays. These are very frustrating facts of life and we really do empathise – but the guidelines are very strict and Miss Davies can only authorise term time leave in very exceptional circumstances. It is really difficult for children not to talk about forthcoming holidays in school so we are really grateful to families for being open and honest about where children are when they are absent – thank you for completing the Term Time Leave forms. Knowing all children are safe and well is always our priority.