Grove Park Primary School


Parents are always welcome at Grove Park Primary School.  An appointment is not always needed to see a member of staff, but a school is a busy place and therefore an appointment is advisable for anything that will take more than a few minutes. Please always e-mail if you need to arrange to see a member of staff.

Please see the following page of our website so that you know who to go to if you have a concern: 

Our teachers are available at the end of each school day to talk over any minor issues.  If you wish to discuss anything for more than a few minutes, please make an appointment through the school office or speak directly to the teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Parents can be involved in the school in numerous other ways, for example helping on school trips, supporting staff with administrative tasks and listening to children read. All volunteers need a DBS check in line with our Safeguarding Policy.

We hold workshops on topics which support parents on a range of useful topics e.g. Phonics, SATS, Reading, Zone of Regulation and Managing Anxiety.


We value parents’ opinions and input into the running of the school.  We have established an open Parents’ Forum, who meet with the Headteacher each term to discuss a wide range of issues. This provides a link between the parents and the school and helps good communication to be maintained. Feel free to join us for these meetings, the dates and times are published on the ‘Calendar Dates' on our website:




Although, we welcome visitors to our school, we will act to ensure that it remains a safe place for pupils, staff and other members of our community. Anyone who threatens, assault or displays abusive behaviour, will be asked to leave the premises and may be prosecuted.
