Grove Park Primary School

School Council



The School Council at Grove Park School plays a vital role in the decision making and forward planning at the school and helps all the children play a meaningful and valuable part in matters that affect them at school and in their wider lives.

The School Council is a team made up of children from the school. Every class from Year 1 (and Reception from the Spring Term) to Year 6 is represented by two children. These two children are elected by the rest of the class and will ideally be one girl and one boy to ensure that the whole class is represented. Every two weeks the classes meet as a Class Council and discuss school issues. These may be issues driven by the children, the staff or other members of the school community. The issues could include the curriculum, behaviour, school lunches, school uniform, the outdoor learning environment, charitable matters and events in the wider community. The classes then bring their ideas and comments to the School Council meeting. This is held every other week and is chaired and led by the two representatives from Year 6. Year 6 also appoint a School Council Secretary to take and distribute minutes. Various members of staff are invited to attend these meetings – this may be a Subject Leader, an external provider, the Site Manager or the Headteacher. Decisions and information arising from these meetings is fed back to the whole school via the year groups or in a whole school assembly. 

At various times members of the School Council, with support from the School Council Coordinator, have also been required to present their ideas to school governors on a more formal basis.

The School Council always welcome visitors to their meetings. Over recent years we have been very lucky to have been joined by Gabriella Giles (local councillor), Ruth Cadbury (our local member of parliament) and the Mayor of Hounslow. It is always a great opportunity to ask our visitors questions on things we as a school are passionate about including climate change and litter around the local community.

Grove Park’s School Council is very proud of its achievements to date. It has made a real impact on life both in school and in the local community. Please see below just some of things we have contributed towards this academic year:

  1. Helping Mrs Walters to improve the way all classes across the school use our wonderful allotment. (September 2023)
  2. Further developing the way in which Zones of Regulation is used across the whole school as a tool for emotional regulation. (October 2023)
  3. Sharing feedback to our new after school club provider (Little Foxes) and suggesting clubs we would like to see for the term ahead. (October 2023 and June 2024)
  4. Voting for the finalists and winners for our ‘Community Cards of Kindness’ designs. (December 2023)
  5. Reflecting on our whole school ‘Mental Health Week 2024- My Voice Matters’ and suggesting ideas for next year. (March 2024)
  6. Shaping the way we use the Hub at lunchtime ahead of our new lunch time providers joining Grove Park. (May 2024)








