Grove Park Primary School

Nursery Admissions 

Open mornings

Each year we hold open mornings for prospective parents. We encourage visits during the teaching day so that prospective parents can see Grove Park at work. Our open morning for admission in September 2025 will be held on Monday 10th February 2025, please book here from December 2024. 


Regrettably we cannot offer tours on an ad hoc basis unless you have been offered a space in the school but haven't had the chance to visit.


Children are eligible for a free, part-time Nursery place the September before their fourth birthday.

All Hounslow’s infant and primary schools have nursery classes and all enquiries and applications for Nursery places should be made direct to the individual schools. 

When making your application, you will need to consider carefully the admissions process and the oversubscription criteria. The local authority is responsible for all admission and appeal arrangements.

If a Nursery receives more applications than it has to offer, the places will be offered strictly in accordance with the London Borough of Hounslow’s oversubscription criteria, which is available on Hounslow’s website,  You are strongly advised to ensure that you fully understand the admissions process and the oversubscription criteria before making your application for a place at any school, although please feel free to contact the school if you have any queries. 

You are advised to apply to more than one school, but to consider the admissions criteria when making these applications. Please note that an offer of a Nursery place in a school does NOT guarantee a place in the subsequent Reception class, nor does it guarantee a place for siblings. 

It is very important to ensure that you return your application form to the school you are applying for by the deadline. Late applications severely limit your chances of receiving the school of your choice. The address you provide on the application form must be the address at which your child normally resides and you will need to provide proof of address along with your application. It is a criminal offence to give a false address and the school reserves the right to withdraw any offer made on the basis of inadequate, inaccurate or deliberately misleading information.

How to apply

Please use the form available here (Please note the 30 hours Nursery option is not available at Grove Park) or request a form by emailing the school. Parents/carers can return the form via email at or if necessary by post.

Please read the ‘Starting in a Hounslow School Nursery’ brochure before making your application.


  • All applications must be submitted no later than Friday 7th March 2025.   
  • Applications must be submitted with a copy of the current council tax bill (which is in the applicant’s name) and a copy of the child’s short birth certificate.
  • If you are unable to provide a copy of the council tax bill because it is not in your name, you must provide 3 other documents confirming they reside at the address. The brochure provides guidance on the type of documents that can be accepted.

At Grove Park Primary School we have a morning Nursery with twenty-six places, which runs for five mornings a week, Monday to Friday from 8.40am to 12.00pm. Each year we hold open mornings for prospective parents, when parents are invited to look round the school, meet the Headteacher and other teaching staff, collect application forms and related documents, as well as ask any questions about the school or the admissions process.


