Grove Park Primary School

Grove Park Governors

The day-to-day running of Grove Park Primary School is the responsibility of the Headteacher, it is the responsibility of the Governing Board is to act as a critical friend of the school. In practice this means supporting the school in achieving its aims by ensuring the highest possible standards of education and welfare are provided for our children. The Governors use their combined skills and experience to ask why actions are being carried out, what the impact will be and monitor if they are in line with the school's ethos and values. 


The Governing Board has a Chair and a Vice Chair. The board meets at least 3 times a year on a termly basis. The governors work through three committees; Staffing and Community, Finance and Premises, Teaching and Learning. The chairs of each committee together with the Chair and Vice-Chair make up the Chairs Group. The governors work closely with the Head Teacher to support the school and oversee its direction.


Each governor is appointed for a four year term which can be renewed for a further four years.


The Governing Board has agreed to work within a code of conduct which is reviewed annually. 


If you would like to contact the governors you can either write to The Chair of Governors c/o Grove Park Primary School, or, if your letter is of a non-confidential nature, you can email via the school email address:


We have 16 governors at Grove Park:

  • 5 Parent governors who are elected by the parents of the children at Grove Park.

  • 1 Staff governor - who is elected by the staff.

  • 1 Head Teacher - at Grove Park the Senior Leadership Team also attend governing board meetings as observers.

  • 1 Local Education Authority governor who is appointed by the London Borough of Hounslow. Usually these are people with no other links to the school. Anyone can volunteer to be an LEA governor.

  • 7 Co-opted governors & 1 Associate governor - who are appointed by the Governing Board itself. Co-opted & Associate governors are local people with an interest in being a governor who the Governing Board feel will complement their skills and talents.

Each governor is appointed for a four year term which can be renewed for a further four years. 

If you would like to contact the governors you can either write to The Chair of Governors c/o Grove Park Primary School, or, if your letter is of a non-confidential nature, you can email via the school email address:



