Grove Park Primary School

Donate - Friends of Grove Park PTA


Creating a school community where parents, carers, teachers and our local community work together to ensure our children have access to the best facilities for developing their knowledge and creativity. 


The Friends of Grove Park Primary PTA is a registered charity (1099383).  We are a group of active parents, carers, teachers and staff whose purpose is to connect our community and raise money for the school.

We hold many different events throughout the school year including snack sales, uniform sales, fairs, quizzes, auctions and raffles. These events bring people together, strengthening our community whilst raising much needed funds to support our school by buying materials, goods and services. For example, investments can include IT systems and sports equipment, as well as workshops, inspirational visits, coaches on school trips.

We work with our teachers to identify a wish list of items that would most benefit the school and our children, receive input from the Student Council to prioritise needs - and we then do our best to make it happen!  

As we are a registered charity, you can now choose to Gift Aid any donation, which gives us an additional 25% of income from donations. If you are interested in making monthly, termly or annual donations please donate here!


Our fund raising target

Each year we aim to raise at least £20,000 to buy things for the school. This year our aim is to raise £25,000 to buy all the items that were set out in the wish list presented at our Annual General Meeting in September. 

For more information please visit our website
